Inner Gate

Brick was not bothered by the loss of people and there being another group since it saved him a lot of trouble early on.

Shawn did not have the intent on fighting or having the groups clash against each others so Brick was able to take those that decided to stay with him straight to the main gate.

He thought that he would be kept busy saving more people and killing one or two zombies each time but was faced with the next wall and gate which was in front of him.

The group behind him had become smaller but it was still a manageable size which could be put to use.

Brick then began to relay his plan as they had stopped in front of the closed gate. "We will split into four teams for this. Each team has their own duties! Team one will be the combat team which me, Alice and Tristan will be participating in. Anyone that can fight will join too but beware that the slightest mistake could get you killed."

Alice recalled the past and her face began to pale. "No.."

Tristan shivered uncontrollably. "He couldn't be.."

Brick showed a sadistic smile. "You are correct but that tactic has been changed due to there being more people. Team two are in charge of pulling the combat team back if they have been grabbed or are in any form of danger. Team three will be in charge of surveying the surroundings and warning of any unexpected dangers. Team four is in charge of drawing in a crowd and distracting the zombies."

"What? You want us to be bait?"

"We should have left when we had the chance…"

Brick rolled his eyes as he listened to their response. "Do not get me wrong.. team four is not bait. You just have to stand where it is safe and create a lot of noise."

"Oh.. that is not bad. Leave it to me! I have a good set of lungs on me."

"Hehe we almost misunderstood you there."

Tristan looked around him and sighed. 'Well that was a quick turnaround.'

Alice was more experienced and observant than the others so she had an idea of what Brick had planned. 'Not again.. not again.. well, I guess it is not so bad right? We have some way to protect ourselves if something goes wrong.'

It took a little time for the small group of twelve to split up into their smaller groups and noise started to spread near the gate.

Cherie had joined the surveillance group and stood watching everyone's backs along with another small child and an old man while others gathered in the second and third groups.

Very few were as brave as Alice and Brick while Tristan barely had enough guts to face the large group of zombies that would arrive but he silently told himself to endure it for the sake of not being abandoned.

The sounds of yelling and crashing of pans or other things followed which drew the zombies towards the gate.



They quickly became more excited as they spotted the humans and wished to eat their flesh.

Their hands stretched through the gaps in the bars on the gate while some of their heads managed to squeeze through a little if they were pushed through with the right angle and enough force.

It was easy for them to get stuck that way as the rest of the body could not follow which made them easy targets.

Brick gave the order when he saw his plan was moving forward successfully. "Begin! Quick blows or stabs to the eyes, temple, the back of their head or under the chin striking upward. Use efficient movements and do not stay in one place for too long. Support team will rescue anyone who is in trouble and call out for assistance."

He had already taken out the military grade axe and a knife as he approached slowly, his concentration had reached its peak as if he was ready to be immersed completely in his task.

It was a strange sensation but it was as if he had slowly gained a better understanding of his body and its various experiences whether from its past or its previous life before its death.

It was almost like the soul of the original body was showing approval to him and had completely assimilated with his own.

He was no longer the same person he was before he entered the novel and had to live as Brick so he accepted it quickly and adapted for the sake of survival.

The mind of Brick was feeling refreshed and calm in the face of the danger ahead of him and he waited for his chance to strike at the best possible time like an experienced hunter.

His practice in the previous battles had lead to the current him which stepped in quickly and accurately hit the temple of a zombie before retreating while pulling the axe back out. "That is one!"

His blood was boiling with excitement as he stepped forward again and stabbed the knife into the eye socket of a zombie. "Two."

Alice looked over and shivered a little at how Brick seemed to be enjoying himself. 'He is counting his kills in this situation like it is a game to him.. but I cannot be left behind.'

She stepped forward and joined the battle as she stabbed a zombie which had become stuck and could not free itself.

Her stab was not completely accurate to inflict a fatal blow but it was improvement to what she had done in the past.

Her fighting instincts were very good so she was slowly getting into the rhythm as she attacked and retreated more effectively.




"Damn zombies!"

"Over here!"

Tristan held a metal bat and finally mustered up the courage to attack so he swung towards the outstretched arms which caused the bones to break or bend out of place then started to swing towards the heads that poked through.

One man who volunteered had fell to the ground once confronted with the scene of many zombies being gathered in one place and being so close. "This.. this.."

The zombies crowded the gate and pushed against it but it was a sturdy enough gate which could not be moved or destroyed so easily.

It only served as another way to stop their advances and provide an opening for those attacking to deal with them without putting their lives in as much danger.

The bat of Tristan had been grabbed onto and was pulled at suddenly in between the battle. "Ah.. let go.. help."

The assisting team which had not had much to do moved finally and gathered behind Tristan.

One grabbed onto the handle of the bat and the arm of Tristan then pulled while others pulled at his clothing or upper body.

The bat was retrieved with their combined efforts and Tristan was pulled away from potential danger. "Phew.."

The zombies were gradually piling up behind the gate and were walking over the dead which elevated them to a slightly higher level, it helped to increase the difficulty in reaching them and their chances of reaching the group but the amount of bodies was not enough to allow them to get over the gate.





"Come zombie!"


"Ahaha this is crazy!"

"This guy is nuts!"

"Go Brick!"

Brick was immersed in the slaughter as he reaped the zombies lives as fast as he could and did not realise that he had started to gain a few admirers.

Even the previous scared man who joined the group had seen how easy Brick dealt with them so his fear had been washed away allowing him to join in trying to kill a zombie.

He was not brave enough to get close so he chose to use a sharpened metal pole as a spear then stabbed towards the zombies from a safe distance.

It had got stuck in the body and the movements caused him to be pulled along with it but the other team had given him aid a couple of times when it happened.

Once the zombies had cleared, Brick scaled the wall nearby and looked over towards the distance admiring his work. 'That should be most of them in this area but I cannot just assume this is all of them.'

He dropped down the wall and landed then shouted. "You guys continue like this since you have been successful and have avoided any harm! I will investigate the surroundings! Alice! I leave the position of temporary leader to you! Do not enter yet and do not step near the dead! Wait for my return and only do as you have done previously then you will be safe!"

Alice shouted back. "Hurry back but do not take any unnecessary risks!"

Brick smiled as he replied. "Got it!"

He walked off into the distance while looking around for any signs of humans or zombies as he headed deeper into the inner area of the Reed residence towards the main house. "One step closer.."