Caught in the Web (1).

The same day of the hallow ball, in the town of Cuckooland and one of the mansions belonging to one of the pureblooded vampires stood a man in his all-black attire. His black cloak covered his body from head to toe leaving no space to see his skin.

He stood there with a glass of blood in his hand he drank once in while. 

Behind him knelt an old man with his wife and their young son. The hands of the old man were terribly shaking under the sleeves that covered his hands. Hot sweat was profusely tricking down his forehead and body which he didn't dare raise his hand to wipe in fear of causing any movement that might attract the attention of the man whose back was facing them.

This old man kneeling with his wife and young son was none other than Mr. Malphus and his family who together had planned to run far away from their master, but everything turned out futile.