More Questions than Answers

Mr. Humphrey pointed at Theodore and Donovan who stood beside him and answered, "These gentlemen came from the church, and they are looking for Mrs. Perkin for a few questions."

"M…Mrs. Perkin? Church members? Questions?" Rosie, Mrs. William, and Mrs. Castor who were among the women simultaneously answered Mr. Humphrey's question.

"Yes, they have some questions for her. Have you seen her today? Where is she? We went to her house but didn't find her, that's why we came here." Mr. Humphrey replied still waiting for them to tell him where Mrs. Perkin was.

The women glanced at each other in surprise and also confusion. Mrs. William spoke up this time. She asked Mr. Humphrey, "Head warden, are you not aware?"

"Aware of what?" Mr. Humphrey questioned back in confusion. 

Again the women looked at each other, then at Mr. Humphrey and the churchmen who came with him. Rosie answered, "Are you not aware of Mrs. Perkin's dismiss?"