Table Banter.

Sthena's eyes snapped open unlike how they had slowly closed on their own, and instead was welcomed with the dark decor of his room.

He loved the darkness, always did, and being a creature of the night who thrived in darkness added to his love for it. It gave him a sense of thrill and calm, to haunt just like how he had haunted the people in their dreams with his first kill.

Staring into the nothingness caused by the darkness enveloping the room, Sthena lay on the bed going down the memory lane of what he had dreamt.

His childhood and his past were something one wouldn't love to experience. Every memory was ugly and filled with bloodshed. Not even a happy one could be found. But without the memories, he didn't think he would be where he was today. They said experience was the best teacher, and he couldn't agree more with it.