New Revelation

"Wha—t what do you mean?" Perdita skeptically questioned as her feet involuntarily moved away from the crazy witch in front of her. What the witch said still rang in her head and the truth of what they came for was confirming itself even without being spoken or asked.

She stared down at the witch kneeling in front of her. Though she was yet another witch she was meeting, she noticed this one did not possess the green eyes Serena and the men had. She had thought that all witches would have green eyes, but seeing a different grey eye color of this witch put out her former thoughts. Everything happening since the past few days was as if she was unwrapping a present, but the problem here was that this present wasn't a pleasant one to witness or unwrap.

Without clearing Perdita's question, the witch did a more confusing act by suddenly kneeling on the floor with her head pressed hard and firmly to the dusty floor as if beseeching Perdita.