Possessiveness of Vampires

In another aspect, this means that your abilities and powers are slowly coming back." Sthena stated and stopped walking. He turned the quiet Perdita to face him.

He took her right hand and lifted it to inspect her index finger which had a faint marking on the tip. He asked, "You once said that you were able to make a fire in the fireplace in your room?"

"Yes," Perdita answered as she also joined Sthena to look at her index finger which he turned to show her the mark as he gently went on to explain,

"That was also one of your abilities resurfacing. The reason why we were able to walk in here is because, for you or your brother to unlock this place, your abilities must have started to resurface."

"So the fire I told you about made you suspect that it was my power that fell the building and it meant that my abilities were awakening which in turn unlocked this place?" Perdita quizzed with a thoughtful frown on her face.