In the outskirts of the kingdom stood a building so tall and huge that it loomed against anyone who saw it.

Though not many people came around this part of the kingdom because of the rumors of the people that inhabited this part of the kingdom, it didn't stop some people from coming around. It was of course the infamous town of Witforley

Just like every part of the kingdom, the sun glistened not leaving the mansion out as it sparkled from a distance.

The town was neat, no doubt. Trees were planted by each side of the road and they fell over each other thereby creating a shade on the road. Slips of sun came through from the tiny opening of the trees. Looking at the town, it was alluring just like the gentle breeze that blew by the trees.

It was inside this outstanding mansion and in one of the rooms of the mansion lay a young man on the bed. His hair was damp from constant sweating albeit the room was cool.