Her Lips on His Cheeks.

"Do you still have any feelings towards, Mark? Answer me truthfully, Perdita." Sthena asked, his voice barely above a whisper as his eyes locked onto hers.

Perdita hesitated, cut off guard by the unexpected sudden question, her gaze drifting away from his. "Why do you ask?" she replied, her voice guarded.

He leaned in, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "Because I need to know. I care about you, and I want to understand what's in your heart."

The silence that followed was palpable, the only sound was the beating of their hearts. Finally, she spoke, "No, I don't. Whatever I had with him is all in the past." Her reply was straightforward, with no hint of hesitation that could form a possible doubt in the mind of Sthena.

Sthena smiled, his expression soft and understanding. "That is wonderful then. I hope it will remain that way or is there room for a possible reconsideration?"