Chapter 14: Auntie May's Wedding.

Mayi: Why don't we all do a Video call together?

Lenlen: That would be great

Mayi used her phone to a Video call

The girls: Hello, auntie

Auntie May: Hello Mayi, Ella and Lenlen

The girls smiled

Auntie May: How are you all?

Mayi, Ella and Lenlen: You've asked us that already

Auntie May: I wanted to tell you all that Next two weeks is my wedding

Ella: You're getting married?

Auntie May: Yeah!!. I would need you all to come Next week so that we can have fun first

Mayi: Auntie, we have works to do. So, we can come next two weeks and spend two days there

Lenlen: Yeah, auntie

Auntie May: You can also bring your boyfriends

Lenlen: Well, Ella is the one who have a boyfriend here?

She said in low tone

Ella: What did you say, Lenlen?

Lenlen: Nothing

Auntie May: And, also ask your Managers to let you all come next week

Mayi: We'll ask next week

Ella: Auntie, have you seen that when you need something that's when you call us. You never even cared about us and now you need our helps

Mayi: Ella!!

Lenlen: You know Ella is totally right, you never cared about what we even do

Auntie May: That's so right and I'm so sorry, I've sent you all something right now in your account

Mayi: Tnx, aunt and I'm sorry about my sisters

Auntie May: Okay, see you all soon

The girls: Bye!!

Auntie May: Bye!!

Auntie May hanged up

Mayi: Girls, that's so inappropriate of both you

Ella: What? But I said the truth and didn't tell a lie

Lenlen: But at least, Aunt sent us money

Ella: We both should be thinking of how to get boyfriends

Mayi: Oh, that's right and now I have to choose between Desmond and Gerald

Lenlen: I should try asking Andy too

Ella: Good luck, you both

Mayi: Girls, let's finish preparing the food and eat



Ann is so lucky to have Joel us his boyfriend

I've never read a chapter in which Lenlen was angry before but today she was so angry

Mayi is always the calm type and don't to fight always

I'm even thinking who Mayi would choose

Mayi should definitely choose Gerald cos I think they both have great chemistry together

Sarah should definitely ask Andy to be her pretend boyfriend