Chapter 19: Meeting Him.

Ann left Joel behind and went to the Washroom

Joel: Ann, I'm sorry if I've offended u

Ann came

Ann: You don't need to be sorry for me but for yourself, u get horny everytime u come close to me

Joel: Not all the time

Ann: It's actually all the time

Ann went out from the room

Joel: Ann, why are u doing this to me?

Perpetual and Gerald entered their room with their travelling bags

Gerald: Wow, this room is so big

Perpetual: Yeah, I can't believe Auntie May is now rich now

Gerald: Why do u like your aunt so much and Ann and Sarah don't

Perpetual: Because she betrayed us years ago but I still think she did it for a true purpose but Ann and Sarah are still mad at her especially Ann

Gerald: Hmm

Perpetual: She thinks Auntie May did it purposely

Gerald: What did she do?

Perpetual: She turned her backs on us, we needed money and called her but she told she would send it but she never did so we were sacked from School

Gerald: Did u finish School?

Perpetual: Yes, we did. I had to work day and night to feed my sisters

Gerald: Perpetual is okay, stop talking about it okay

Perpetual: Okay

It was soon Lunch, they all came downstairs and saw Auntie May with a man. They all sat down and we're served, they soon began eating

Auntie May: Adults, this is my husband Frederick

Ann: Auntie, u don't need to call us Adults

Auntie May: But, u said I shouldn't call u children so now what?

Sarah: Auntie, Something like People or Guys

Perpetual did eye contacts with her sisters

Perpetual: Nice to meet u, Mr

Frederick: Nice to meet u, My Children

Auntie May: So, how's the food?

Perpetual: It's actually nice

Ann: It's salty

Auntie May: Then, sorry about that