Chapter 42: Four Elements 4.

Four Elements Captured By the Witch 4.

This is the final of the four elements captured by a witch🌊🍃💧🔥

The girls wore comfy jackets and followed their brother Glenn outside, Perpetual used her flowers and two red and white roses appeared. She gave them to the girls and Glenn

Favour: What is this for?

Perpetual: I can't go with u people

The Girls: What?

Ann: Why?

Perpetual: Cos, I have to stay behind and see if I can defeat the Witch. And, if I'm not back use these roses to remember me

The girls sadly hugged Perpetual

Nancy: Bye, Perpetual

Perpetual: Bye

Sandra and Kurt were crawling on the floor now when the girls and Glenn

Nancy: What happened to them?

Kurt: They're now babies

Ann: Oh no

They took their parents to the kitchen and they sat down

Glenn: Girls, now use your powers on them

The girls used their powers on their parents but they were still the same

Favour: Now, what should we do?

Nancy: I don't even know

Glenn: Aha, I think this book of knowledge can help us

Favour: We need something better and not this stupid book

Favour took the book, the book started to burn

Nancy: Noo, the book

Glenn: Ann, put it out

Ann: Yeah, sure

Ann put the fire off, Glenn took the book

Glenn: Only this sheet was able to survive

Favour: Guys, I'm sorry I didn't mean to burn it

Ann: What does it say?

Glenn: The four elements can make them come back

Nancy: So, we need Perpetual

Perpetual was in her room when the Witch Amanda came

Amanda: You sisters left now come with me

Amanda held Perpetual's hand and drag her to her room

Amanda: Now, I just need to find the necklace and I'll get rid of u

Perpetual: No

The Witch began to search the necklace but couldn't find it

Amanda: Where is it? Joel, have u seen my chocolate necklace?

Joel: I've eaten it, I didn't know it was your necklace

Amanda: Stupid Joel, Now handcuff this girl up

Joel handcuffed Amanda up

Amanda: What? I said her not me

Joel: But, you're also a girl

Isaac came

Isaac: Perpetual, let's get out of here

Isaac held Perpetual's hand and they were out of the house, they came to Perpetual's parents house. The girls combined their powers and their parents were back, they hugged their parents. The girls and Elves went outside and Perpetual told them that she was dating Isaac

The Girls: What?

Nancy: He betrayed u how can u be with him?

Ann: Girls, they love each other so let's accept this to make Perpetual happy

Favour: Okay, Fine We accept. A mistake and u get a fire bath

The Girls except Favour: Favour?

Favour: What?

Perpetual and Isaac kissed tightly. THE END

Everyone: Hello, Guys

Ann: I'm Ann and I was water element today

Nancy: I'm Nancy and I was air

Favour: I'm Favour and I was fire

Perpetual: I'm Perpetual and I was earth

Glenn: Guys, don't forget to like this Video

Sandra: And subscribe below by turning on the notification bell

Kurt: Don't forget to say who was your favourite actor or actress?

Joel: And, who was your favourite element too?

Isaac: Comment down below, Guys

Ann: See u later, Guys

Everyone: Bye