I do not belong to anybody

Cozan gave up trying to convince her to let him take her. She had a point, but he just hated to see her with Gideon. If he could, he would ensure they never see each other again.

His back hit the blanket again, but he was sure his sleep would be filled with dreams of him stabbing Gideon multiple times until he disappear from this world.

The whole talk about Gideon only reminded Celeste of the one person she didn't want to ever think of again. 

Everything they had done right from the first day they spoke to each other, up until last night flashed in her mind, and she felt like crying all over again. 

But she didn't. Instead, she shut her eyes and forced her mind to blank out all information about him as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Celeste woke up to see Salma already prepared to go out. She pushed herself up to a sitting position, rubbing her eyes with her index.