The Weird Duke 3

After that incident, the Duke and Rosalind plan to quietly leave the town of Toorin, but everything changed when a storm arrived. The snow was simply too thick for them to travel, so they were forced to stay in the inn until the storm passed. Of course, Rosalind took this opportunity to enjoy her bed. Another hobby that she had started doing was learning how to properly use a dagger.

To her surprise, the Duke fulfilled his promise and started teaching her how to defend herself.

"This is not as heavy as the dagger that you had," the Duke explained. Rosalind had already showen him the cursed Dagger that she used to stab Dorothy. Even the man said that the curse on that dagger was too strong. He did not ask how she obtained the dagger or even wondered out loud how she could materialize it out of nowhere.

For some reason, he was acting like he already knew everything about it in the first place.