Cirid Has Fallen

"This is called a flowerrete cake simply because they are made to look like little flowers," Queen Aurinda smiled as she handed her a cake inside a small circular bowl. "However, instead of sweet, the chef added some lime, adding to its fragrance and giving it an extra citrusy taste."

Rosalind smiled. She wondered if Lucas told them about her preference. "Thank you." She caught the two of them looking at each other.

"The Duke insisted that we wait to introduce you to the nobility until he arrives," King Marlin said. "I agree. It is best that you two are together when we introduce you to the noble families of Wugari. I hope you do not mind that."

"It is not a problem."

"For your training, my lady-in-waiting Salina will assist Miss Monoroe in teaching you the responsibilities of a wife."

"If you are talking about the management of the duchy, then I have no problem letting the Butler continue managing it," Rosalind said.

"Pardon me?"