Death of a Consort

"Young Miss, we have already received twelve invitations. Two are from the Royal Family and the rest are from the noble families of Wugari," Milith reported. It was already noon when Rosalind woke up, however, until now, Rosalind was still in bed. Her head was still pounding.

"What should we do?" Milith asked. "Miss Magda is not here. I heard they needed to clean up a lot of beasts as tonight there might be another horde of beasts coming. Should we send word to the Duke?"

"We should probably do that," Rosalind was not in the mood to talk to anyone. She knew this was because of what she did the other night. By now, the news of her healing people affected by the plague must have reached the ears of every noble family in the kingdom.

That was the reason for the invitations.