To the Howling Mountains!

"Yes," Lucas answered. "Demons can infect a human's essence. However, that should not have happened in this continent. The barrier, though weakened, should still prevent direct demonic possession of humans. This suggests that someone else, a person residing in this continent, played a role in the man's transformation."

"But how? Through experimentation?"

Lucas nodded again, his gaze hardening. "It seems likely. Through forbidden experiments and dark practices, someone with knowledge of demons and their abilities has been tampering with human essence, crossing boundaries that should never have been breached. Although, only a sorcerer with knowledge of the past, someone well-versed in ancient sorcery and the secrets of demons, would possess the ability to tamper with human essence in such a manner. It is a forbidden path, one that should never have been tread upon."

Rosalind's mind buzzed with questions.

Who could possess such knowledge?