Chapter 2: The New Master

Chase sat there kneeling on the auction stage vaguely hearing the bids. His most recent master had decided to upgrade when Chase no longer satisfied his needs and he’d been taken to the warehouse again and put in a cage to wait to be sold again.

The black worry stone he’d gotten from Kara had given him six years ago sat in his pocket heavily and he wished his hands weren’t bound so he could hold it. It may just be a stone but it had gotten him through many stressful nights and for that he was thankful.

“Twenty thousand,” the auctioneer was saying when Chase tuned back into his surroundings. “Do I hear twenty-five? Twenty-five, going once… going twice…”

“One million!”

Chase felt his breath hitch, panic flooding him. Someone wanted him so bad that they would pay seven figures just to get him. He had no clue what they wanted from him and that was the most stressful part.

“Sold!” the auctioneer cheered and Chase was pulled to his feet and shoved off the stage and towards the payment area where he’d be traded over to his new Master.

Chase didn't know how long he stood bound, blinded, and silenced while he waited to be picked up but when a rough hand grabbed his shoulder and forced him forward he knew he’d be going home with his new Master soon.

He heard chatter that ceased when they got closer and Chase felt his breathing quicken.

Someone clicked their tongue irritatedly. “Take those off, he's not an animal,” a deep voice said and silence settled for a second before someone started taking the ropes off of him.

The deep voice growled slightly before speaking again, “All of it, the duct tape and blindfold too.”

Chase could practically feel the unease from the auction house’s money handler. He felt frozen as well, unable to move because of his conditioning. After a few tense moments, he felt tugging at the blindfold and after a few seconds, it dropped.

He blinked rapidly in an attempt to get used to the brightness that assaulted his eyes. The first thing he saw when his eyes adjusted was a handsome man with black hair and warm brown eyes, watching him appraisingly.

Chase wasn't sure he liked the way he was looking at him.

The man smiled at him and Chase felt a shiver rush down his spine. “There you are, love,” the man beamed. “Come now,” he waved at Chase. “Let’s go home.”

Chase hesitated for a second, not used to the cheery nature his new Master was showing him. He caught himself and hurried forwards towards his new Master who was clearly waiting for him.

“Yes, Master,” he practically squeaked. The man looked briefly surprised at being called ‘master’ but said nothing, instead, he nodded and turned towards the money handler.

“I believe I’m free to leave now, yes?” the man queried.

The handler hummed. “Not wanting to check out the rest of the merchandise?”

Chase just barely caught the look of disgust on his Master’s face at the term before the man smiled widely. “No thank you, I have what I need.” He turned to Chase and waved him forward.

“Let's go now,” he said softly.

Chase said nothing as he followed the man out of the warehouse. As they were walking down the street the man turned to him slightly. “My name is Morgan,” he said, turning down an alley towards a wider street where people bustled around. “What’s yours?”

Chase blinked at him, surprised. Normally his Masters didn't care for his name, they just called him what they pleased. Was this a test? He looked down at his feet as they walked.

“I’m whatever you’d like to call me,” he responded. A few seconds later he ran into Morgan’s back, stepping back a couple paces. “I’m sorry,” he stammered.

“You’re fine,” Morgan dismissed him. “I want to call you by your name,” he said, leaning over to look at Chase’s face closer.

Chase glanced at him before averting his gaze. He worried his lip with his teeth for a second before taking a deep breath and responding. “I’m Chase.” He wouldn't get in trouble as long as he was asked, right?

“It’s nice to meet you, Chase,” Morgan smiled encouragingly. He stood up straight again and started walking down the sidewalk, summoning Chase to follow behind him.

By the time they got to Morgan’s car—which was old and vintage—Chase was so tense he felt like a spring about to snap. He didn't even get the chance to attempt to open Morgan’s door for him before Morgan was opening the passenger side door for Chase instead.

He wanted to protest but was afraid of upsetting Morgan so he swallowed his words and climbed into the car.

The car ride out of the city was quiet; Morgan focused on the road and Chase spent the whole time stressing about how to please Morgan who was far from being anything like his old Masters.

Morgan didn't seem to want anything yet and Chase didn't know how to handle that, he was used to serving his Masters and doing whatever they wished so he could keep them happy.

City roads faded into open land which grew crowded with forest. Chase had no clue where they were but couldn't ask for fear of speaking out of term.

Instead, he watched as the forest opened into a clearing where a small village was nestled. In the middle rested a large manor, surrounded by smaller houses.

Chase looked around as they pulled up to the manor, watching the people around the village. His gaze was drawn to several groups of people sparring with some large dogs and each other in the open spaces between houses and other buildings.

The car pulled up to the manor and stopped. Chase looked over at Morgan as he turned the car off.

As if sensing Chase’s gaze Morgan looked over at him. He smiled widely.

“Welcome home!”

It was as if the world was plunged underwater. Chase felt like he couldn't breathe like the world was collapsing in on him. His chest hurt and he was starting to feel dizzy. He gasped, trying to draw as much oxygen into his lungs as he could but it didn't seem to help any.

He vaguely heard Morgan say something before the world went dark and quiet.