Chapter 9: Learning Curve

Chase hardly left his room during the week following his finding out that he was living with a pack of wolf shifters. He’d gotten permission to read any book in the library and Morgan had even given him a list of books that might help with his research.

Chase was grateful his Master mostly left him alone, only really disturbing him to bring him food or request his presence in the dining room so Morgan could check in on him. Morgan was respectful of Chase’s tense silences and wouldn't pry when he went silent after some of his questions.

The whole thing was stressful for Chase, he wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel about everything. People changing into wolves wasn't something he’d been prepared for and it seemed no matter how much he read about them it didn't help much.

“So,” Morgan started, dragging Chase’s attention away from his plate and racing thoughts. “I know this is all new to you but I wanted to ask how you're feeling about the whole thing.”

Chase frowned, pushing his food around his plate with his fork. “I don't know,” he admitted. “I’m kind of confused about where I am in all of this.”

“What do you mean?” Morgan queried.

Chase frowned deeper. “I’m basically an outsider,” he sighed. “In the hierarchy I’m nobody. You’re the alpha, I’m assuming Simon is your beta based on what he's told me, and then I’m just here. Other than being the help I’m nothing.”

Morgan’s brows knitted together and his lips turned down. “That’s not true. You’re not just the help and every pack member is important.”

Chase snorted weakly. “But what’s my purpose?” Morgan was silent for a moment, just long enough for Chase to look up at him to find an uncertain look on his face.

He laughed sharply at Morgan’s expression. “See? You can't even answer that! I’m unimportant.”

“That’s not true,” Morgan said vehemently. “You're extremely important.” He sighed and looked down at the table. “I don't want to scare you away,” he murmured.

Chase scowled. “Scare me away? I just found out none of you are human and I’m still here.”

Morgan shook his head. “You're not ready to know yet.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Chase demanded.

Morgan looked frustrated when he sat back in his chair and ran his hand through his hair. “Simon told me not to go too fast,” he stated. “Just know you're incredibly important, you're just not ready to know how yet.”

Chase let out a frustrated sound before standing up and grabbing his plate. “Thanks for dinner,” he grumbled, taking his plate to the kitchen to clean it up before absconding to his room again.

It was only when he reached his room that he registered his moodiness. He mentally berated himself while thanking the universe for Morgan not punishing him for his rudeness.


During the weekend Chase got his new schedule which he was sure to thank Morgan for. He briefly wanted to apologize for his negative mood during dinner but Morgan was acting as if it hadn't happened so Chase did too.

He was mildly disappointed to find that his schedule mostly consisted of helping Simon and Korrin rather than having him clean the manor frequently.

He had to admit he wasn't too surprised, it seemed like Morgan was attempting to integrate him with the rest of the pack as if he knew Chase was feeling wary.

His first day back on schedule he was supposed to help Simon. When he went to leave the manor that morning he was startled to find Simon standing on the other side of the door, the surprised look on his face mirroring Chase’s.

“It’s good to see you again,” Simon beamed, recovering from his surprise quickly. “Morgan told me you were under the weather, are you alright? We were worried about you.”

Chase blinked, taken aback by the healer’s words. “I uh, yeah,” he responded lamely. He studied him for a second, trying to figure out if he knew that Chase was aware of what he was.

Simon smiled softly, looking relieved. “That’s good.” He waved for Chase to follow him as he turned to lead the way. “We’re collecting some more herbs today,” he said when Chase closed the door and started after him.

“Actually,” Chase said hesitantly, drawing Simon’s attention. “Could you teach me some first aid? For the wolves?” he asked.

Simon blinked for a moment before recognition dawned on him. “Oh, that explains it.” he chuckled softly. “Alarming, I’d assume, finding out you're surrounded by wolves.”

At Chase’s slight nod he smiled. “Yeah, I’ll teach you some first aid so you can help out in the future. First, we really do need to get some more herbs though.”

Chase watched as Simon raised the basket on his arm slightly. He nodded in understanding. “Lead the way,” he said, motioning vaguely.

Simon grinned. “I'm glad you're growing more confident around us. You were so timid when you arrived.”

Chase felt his cheeks heat up. It was true, when he first arrived he was practically scared of everything but over the weeks of his stay, he’d grown more comfortable around them, feeling more at home and secure.

Then when he’d found out of their inhuman status he’d regained some of that hesitance, shying away from them.

He was still a little wary about spending time with the wolves again but Simon had always been gentle with him. Maybe Morgan was more attuned to Chase than he’d thought. It seemed he’d been scheduled with Simon more so he could warm up to the pack again.

He pushed those thoughts aside and followed Simon into the forest to gather herbs and other plants that he needed. They worked in silence as they collected things and when Simon was satisfied with all that they’d gathered they headed back into the village.

Chase followed Simon to the infirmary. Simon instructed him to wait in the patient room for him while he went and set their collected goods aside to deal with at a later time. When he came back Chase was sitting on the cot, looking around a bit.

Simon smiled at him. “Let’s teach you some first aid,” he said, drawing Chase’s attention.

Chase nodded and stood up, walking over to the healer when he beckoned him forward. Simon set to work telling him numerous ways to treat some ailments and wounds.

Chase had other things in mind though.

“What about wolfsbane poisoning?” he asked, trying to sound casual.

Simon paused to look at him before setting down the things he was holding. “I can show you that,” he nodded, “but hopefully you’ll never need to treat that.”

Chase frowned. “Hopefully not but… Master had it recently and I read that it's really dangerous. I want to know how to help just in case.”

Simon smiled softly. “I understand. Try not to worry about Morgan too much, he’s fine now. Besides, he knows that if he tells me he is when he's not there will be consequences.”

Chase felt his face heating up. “I’m not worried about him,” he denied. He might've been lying though, he was remembering how bad Morgan had looked when he’d come back from hunting injured.

He never wanted to see him like that again.

Simon hummed, clearly not believing him. “Alright,” he said, walking over to the cabinets to get something. “Pay close attention because this is a little complicated.” he turned to him with a vial and a tray of supplies.

“I'll teach you how to create the antidote, just in case, but there should be some on hand at all times.”

Chase nodded as Simon set the supplies down on the little rolling table they’d been working on. “Understood,” Chase acknowledged, watching avidly as Simon worked.

He hoped he'd never have to apply the knowledge he was gaining but he’d rather know it just in case it was needed.

He thought back to Morgan’s wound again. ‘Never again,’ he promised himself. He would never see someone hurt like that again, especially not Morgan.