Chapter 13: Warmth and Comfort

Chase had avoided returning to the manor when he got finished at the nursery so he wandered the village.

The baker had approached him to ask him to try a new bread he was experimenting with so Chase had paused to indulge him. Then he’d been approached by the gardener who had given him a basket of goods that she’d been meaning to deliver to Morgan.

After that, he’d stopped to watch some of the wolves training. They mostly trained hand to hand or with claws and fangs but there were a few who were fighting with what looked like wooden swords.

He wasn't sure if they actually fought with weapons or if it was just good fun, he hadn't seen any weapons yet.

When he was done watching the mock battles he slowly headed toward the manor. It was getting dark out and by the time he got to the door crickets were already singing.

He pushed the door open, half expecting Morgan to be waiting up for him, only to find that the entrance stairwell was dimly lit.