Chapter 23: Back to Work

Chase spent his few weeks of training with Shan and Jenna. Morgan accompanied him to each training session and stayed the entire time to watch. When Chase was done Morgan would walk him back to the manor and make dinner for the both of them.

After the first week, Morgan had returned to his alpha duties leaving Chase very much alone during the days he was busy. Chase had picked up cleaning halfway through the second week when he’d grown antsy and needed something to do.

In the third week, Morgan had planned out Chase’s new schedule with him, working around his training to fit everything in. His schedule wasn't terribly different but he had less days working in the manor so he didn't miss working with Simon or Korrin.

His first day back with Simon rolled around and as soon as he stepped into the infirmary he was wrapped in a tight embrace. Simon clung to him, holding him firmly for a moment before he seemed to register what he was doing and let go.