Chapter 25: Confirmation

Chase hovered by the stairs as Morgan showed Korrin out, giving her a brief hug as he did so. Chase watched Morgan close the door and turn around, beaming at him when he saw him hovering.

Morgan’s smile faltered when he saw Chase’s expression. “What’s wrong?” he asked, stepping closer a few paces, hands out as if to hold him.

Chase grimaced and looked at the door again for a second. He thought over what he was gonna say for a second before speaking. “It’s nothing,” he muttered, turning away to head up the stairs.

Morgan frowned and moved to follow him. “It’s not nothing,” he insisted. “If something is bothering you please tell me so I can fix it.”

Chase paused on the top step to glance back at Morgan who had paused as well. When he turned to continue up the stairs he heard Morgan follow after him. By the time they’d reached Chase’s room, he’d gathered the courage to speak.