Chapter 31:Border Protection

When they reached Morgan’s office door Simon didn't even bother knocking, he just threw the door open and stalked inside leaving Chase to pause at the door nervously.

Morgan looked up as Simon walked up to his desk determinedly.

Morgan raised a brow. “Simon,” he stood, gaze wandering to the doorway where Chase stood. His gaze returned to his beta and he frowned. “What’s the meaning of this?”

“There are some rogue wolves approaching the border,” Simon explained steadily.

Morgan’s frown shifted into alarm before hardening and becoming serious. “How many?”

“At least three,” Simon informed.

“Orland?” Morgan asked, gaze darting back to Chase briefly.

“Possibly,” Simon sighed. “What do you want to do?”

“I’m going to gather a hunting party to patrol the forest tonight,” Morgan stated. “I want you and Chase to go back to the infirmary in case anyone needs medical attention, understood?”

Simon nodded gravely. “Understood.”