Chapter38: Together

After a couple of weeks, Chase warmed up to the idea of being mates with Morgan. He hardly saw Morgan the whole time and it helped but he was starting to miss him. He hated not helping him cook or cleaning with him chatting his ear off while he watched.

He didn't know how to approach Morgan about it though. He wasn't sure how to word his feelings to let Morgan know they were okay and that he missed him.

He was sulking a bit when he worked with Korrin next and she picked up on it, asking him what was wrong and offering her ear.

“Something’s bothering you,” she stated, gently taking him by the arm and leading him into another room to talk quietly. “What’s up? Maybe I can help, even if it's just a little.”

Chase gave her a weak smile and sat down in one of the chairs in the room, watching her pull another chair up to sit in front of him. “It’s Morgan,” he admitted quietly, sighing.

Korrin perked up, leaning toward him. “What about him? Is he giving you trouble?”