Chapter43: Marking

After their first exchanges of ‘I love you’ Chase started sleeping with Morgan every few nights until it had been several months and he was in Morgan’s bed most nights. They’d eventually decided to just move his stuff into Morgan’s room and have it be their room instead.

Chase was content falling asleep in Morgan’s arms, the feeling of warmth and safety enveloping him each night. Being Morgan’s mate was perfect and Chase was happy just being with him.

Despite not having been mated yet Chase was still considered Morgan’s Luna and the pack respected him as such when they interacted with him. It was nice being treated so importantly and Chase found he could get used to it.

When he worked with Simon next the healer brought it up casually; “I know you're already considered Morgan’s luna but when do you think you’ll be making it official?”

Chase paused his mixing to look up at the wolf shifter. “What?”

“When are you going to let Morgan mark you as his mate?” Simon clarified.