Chapter50: Forever

Several months after Kara was born Chase approached Morgan about their future. He’d been daydreaming about marriage more and more so he decided to bring it up to his lover. Morgan had perked up and started questioning him about the decision gently.

Later in the week after he’d brought it up Morgan sat down with Chase in his office to talk about it more in-depth. After talking a bit Morgan suggested a time to plan it out, where they’d do it and how it would go.

They’d be doing a mock human wedding, picking and choosing parts to keep while changing others to fit better. Morgan would have Simon as his best man and Chase would have Korrin be his groom’s maid to help him get ready to walk down the aisle.

Chase found Morgan’s eagerness endearing. He hadn't expected him to be so enthusiastic about a human wedding when they were already essentially married in the pack's eyes. He found himself fiddling with his promise ring as they wrapped up that day’s planning.