Chapter48: Surrogate Planning

When Chase and Morgan had been together for almost eight months the topic of pups came up again. Chase still worked with the pack’s pups alongside Korrin but he’d started to think about what it would be like to have his own.

Over dinner one night he brought it up casually, trying not to come off as if it wasn’t all he’d been able to think about for a while.

“Do you want a baby girl or a baby boy?” he asked, not looking up from his plate as he pushed some peas around with his fork.

Morgan was silent just long enough for Chase to worry he’d said something wrong. When he looked up to apologize he saw Morgan had raised an eyebrow at him slightly. “This is sudden,” he commented, setting his fork down.

Chase gave him a weak smile. “I’m just curious.”

Morgan nodded and didn’t press any farther as he took on a thoughtful expression. After a moment he hummed and leaned an elbow on the table, resting his cheek in his palm.