Chapter 3:Feeding and Fighting



I regretted not calling Nigel tonight while weaving my way through the apartment complex's underground parking. But I wanted to be able to leave directly after work and not get roped into another meeting with my uncle and Thomas.

Thomas had picked an expensive restaurant in the heart of the city, as usual. He even showed up wearing a full beige suit. I swear the older the vampire, the tackier the taste.

Last night's meeting dragged on for hours and I didn't get to bed until almost 5 am. Thomas had ingested way too much wine at dinner. He had gone on and on about the recent shifter attacks. I would have much rather sat at home with my cat, Hades, and watched episodes of my show that I was behind on. I also desperately needed to go to the gym; I could use a good run to work off some pent-up energy.

We tended not to do business with wolf shifters, mostly because they tended to stay away from large cities. And, of course, there was always the main issue of our entire clientele being vampires. My uncle chose to stay mostly removed from the conversation, wanting me to take the lead in helping Thomas through his "problem."

He has been hinting at me taking over the business more and more. Thomas was one of our biggest clients in the city and he wanted me up front to take care of any of his needs. I cringed internally at how many times Thomas tried to get me to practically sit in his lap.

I had a thorough shower when I got home and tossed the suit I was wearing into the bin. I could still feel his ghostly white hands snaking over my back. I shivered.

I finally found my black Miata in the back; it had been blocked by a monstrous-looking truck. I could never understand how truck drivers got around in the city. All the streets were tightly packed and even I had to be careful while weaving through traffic and bikers that took up most of the road. I glanced at his license plate; it had a Texas plate. I sneered, tourist.

I unlocked my car and put my briefcase in the back and started the engine. I kept my coat and gloves on, the weather was just as ruthless today. The car soon rumbled underneath me, the dashboard lighting up.

I turned on the heated seats before making my way out of the parking garage and entered the busy street. A text pinged onto the car's screen. I pressed a button and a woman's voice rang out, "A text from Janice. What the eff is the boss thinking with this one?" I laughed. Old Janice must have finally met Cynthia. Cynthia had done a mediocre job yesterday.


I took the exit that led towards the stretch of abandoned buildings and made a mental note to make Cynthia's booth closer to mine for the next few weeks. I parked my car behind the building since the only cameras we had were at the back of the building.

Dear Uncle seemed to only have top-notch security on the inside. I clicked the lock button a few times before making my way through the alley that led to the front.

I froze when I heard people talking. I slowed my breathing and tried to strain my ears to hear what was happening. I could make out two people. I could see a rough outline of them, one towering over the other. Soon I heard a thud and a yelp before all was quiet.

I inched my way over to them, keeping my footsteps light. As I got closer, I heard what seemed to be a sucking sound. I reached up around my neck and grabbed the silver cross that I kept tucked underneath my clothes at all times. It wasn't ample protection, but it would at least keep them away until I could get inside.

My uncle kept several guns that could take down even the strongest of vampires. I let the necklace rest above my shirt and took out my phone. I turned the flashlight on, my breath could be seen clearly in the light. I pointed it in the direction of the silhouettes. I heard another, softer thud and could finally see who was standing before me.

Nathaniel rose to his full height, shoving the other man with his foot. I froze again, I'm sure I looked just like a deer in the road. Nathaniel's usually green eyes were pitch black as he stared at me. I couldn't tell if he knew it was me standing there.

He licked his lips, there was blood running down his chin. It was bright red against his pale skin in the light of my phone. I could see the plumes of his hot breath floating around him, encompassing him.

I cleared my throat, trying to get his full attention, "Nathaniel?" His lips started to curl back before he blinked a few times and his eyes returned to their normal forest green. Nathaniel glanced around the alley, seemingly forgetting where he was.

He brought a hand up to his chin, bringing it out to see the dark blood dripping down. "Here," I said, handing him the handkerchief I kept in my breast pocket. It was lavender, one of my favorites to pair with my burgundy suits. Well, it used to be my favorite until I watched Nathaniel stain it red with a random man's blood.

"Thank you," he said, holding out the handkerchief.

I held up my hand, "Keep it. I do not think that stain will come out." Nathaniel shrugged and put it in his pocket. His regular pristine white shirt seemed to be spared from the blood fest. I kept my phone light on him and saw him lick his teeth, his eyes fluttered. "Sorry to disturb your…dinner," I said, trying to step widely around what I presumed was now a dead man.

Nathaniel looked down at the man before facing me, "Don't worry about it. He tried to rob me, and I felt like a snack." He smiled at me; his teeth had a pink tinge on them. I scoffed and shook my head, professionalism out the window.

I started making my way to the front of the building. Nathaniel was at my side in the blink of an eye and put his arm out in front of me onto the wall. I was forced to lean up against the wall. I had to raise my head to look up at him.

I always knew he was taller than me but with him being this close it was hard not to notice how much taller he was. A few pieces of hair had fallen from his knot, and they were floating dangerously close to my face. "Is there something I can help you with Nathaniel? I would rather not be a part of your feeding," I said in a very unprofessional voice.

"Oh, come on Des," Nathaniel teased, "I didn't take you for the squeamish kind."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not but that doesn't mean I want to stand around while you suck random men dry."

Nathaniel beamed, "Is that because you wish it was you on the other side of my lips?" I sucked in a breath, feeling my pulse start to race. He was leaning closer to me, so close I could smell the blood from his lips. There was another scent there, it was a mix between coffee and cigarette smoke. Somehow that only made him more enticing to be around. I dropped my hands to my side, turning the flashlight to the ground. The limited lighting made Nathaniel's face look hauntingly beautiful.

Nathaniel stopped suddenly; he was only a few inches from my face. He looked down at my chest and sneered in disgust. "Take that off," he said in a low rumble.

I looked down at the necklace, but I only tucked it back underneath my shirt. "If you will excuse me," I said and attempted to duck under his arm.

"Wait," Nathaniel began, catching my arm, "I'm serious you know, about what I asked yesterday." I stared up at him, his eyes were soft, but they held mine intently.

I licked my lips, "I know Nathaniel, but you know the ru…"

He waved a hand to cut me off, "Screw your uncle's rule. Do you always listen to him? Are you just a puppet on his strings?"

I narrowed my eyes, "Watch it, Nathaniel."

Nathaniel let go of my arm and held his hands up, "I’m sorry, I meant no offense. But, just, have dinner with me." Nathaniel shoved his hands into his pockets and gave me a crooked smile. I sighed, mostly because I had wanted this since the first time I had met him. But there was the other part of me that knew this only meant trouble.

I looked around to make sure we were alone before responding, "Fine, I will pick you up after I get off work. Just wait a few streets over. I can't take the risk of Cynthia or, God forbid, Janice seeing us together." Nathaniel gave a grin so big I could almost see the tips of his fangs. He took a few steps forward, reaching out to brush my hair. I sucked in a breath; my heart jumping to my throat.

"See you then, Des," he winked and sauntered away back down the alley.

I waited until he had turned a corner before letting out the breath I had been holding. I put my phone back in my pocket and fixed my cufflinks before starting the walk to the front. Nathaniel's grin was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile to myself. I mean, what could be the harm in just one dinner?