Chapter 16: Wonder and Worry



Before I could question what he meant, he flipped me onto my stomach. He raised my hips and settled me on my knees. I brought my elbows up underneath me, so I wasn't smothering myself in the sheets. I was still dizzy, but I felt a sudden urgency in my stomach.

"Such a perfect as*," Nathaniel said as he squeezed my cheeks. I felt my head clear up and realized what was about to happen next. I definitely knew I wasn't ready for that.

"Wait," I said, trying to lift my head to look back at him. He instantly stopped touching me and his face looked concerned. He carefully turned me back around and sat me up. I let my tied-up wrists rest in my lap.

"What's wrong?" he asked, brushing my hair off my face.

"I'm sorry…I just…I've never," I stuttered. I didn't want to admit my lack of sex life. It felt embarrassing to admit at almost 30 years old. Although I didn't have very many chances to fix that until now.