Once Nigel had dropped me off after meeting with my uncle, I had practically sprinted to go and pack. I texted Nathaniel to let him know the flight schedule and when I would be picking him up. I bought the tickets on the ride home.
The weekend arrived quickly. The snow had stopped coming but it was still frosty out. Before going to Nathaniel's apartment, I dropped Hades off with Patrice. Hades had spent a few years in my uncle's home and adored Patrice.
Which I attributed to the massive amount of treats she gave him. Patrice gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before shooing me out of the house. I heard her cooing at Hades as I left.
I parked closer to the lobby door this time as I drove up to Nathaniel's apartment. I was about to get out and go knock on his door when I felt a whoosh of air next to me.