Chapter 28: Drunken Mistake



Nathaniel ended up staying at my place for the day. He couldn't very well leave while the sun was out. When I woke up for work, he had already made me coffee and breakfast. I let him know that if he planned on staying longer, he would need to hide later.

Patrice was dropping off Hades later in the day and I couldn't have her seeing him in my apartment. I couldn't have her dying of fright from seeing a vampire, alone, in my apartment.

I walked into work and brushed the slush stuck to my shoes. It was only a little warmer, but the snow was starting to melt which I knew would lead to horrible ice tomorrow.

"Good evening," I called out. Janice and Cynthia must be in the back. I punched in the code and opened the large oak door to the back.

I walked into the back and saw Janice and Cynthia sitting around my desk. They were speaking in hushed tones and looked worried.