Chapter 35: The Reveal



Who the h*ll is the 'golden one'? More importantly, why does he need me? These questions and more rang through my head and we continued running from the warehouse. Turning the corner, I came to a stop when I saw headlights head.

The shifters ran up and waited by the car. Trying to see who’s in the car, I put my hands in front of my face to shield the light from my eyes. I thought Hamond had said everyone was gone tonight. One of the shifters used its nose to push me forward.

Stumbling forward, and trying to stay upright, I stood watching the person turn off the lights. I took my hand away and could see someone walking toward me. Running up to me, my breath caught as they engulfed me in an embrace. Sucking in a breath, I smelled a pleasant mix of coffee and cigarettes.

Pulling away from the embrace, I could see Nathaniel smiling down at me.