Chapter 25 Kneel

Mrs. Taylor felt embarrassed and her face turned red. She couldn't help but break into a fury, "You, adulterer, let go of me! You are also shameless ..."

Leaning back in her chair, Laura had been indifferent from the scold. But she laughed derisively at the remark.

"Language. Is this the etiquette of the Taylors?"

Marcus frowned. Although he did not know how he had suddenly become an "adulterer", through the reaction of these people, it was not difficult to deduce the cause and effect of the incident.

"You ..." Marcus opened his mouth and said one word.

Bob finally arrived after parking his car. When he caught sight of Marcus's side face, he gasped and grabbed Mrs. Taylor's hand.

"Mom! Stop it!"

"What? You don't want to hear the truth? You are adulterer and adulteress ..." Mrs. Taylor was so immersed in shame but she was slow to notice that something was wrong.