Chapter 35 Prologue of a Drama

The classroom was silent again.

Lucy stood up with her hands on the table, cleared her throat, and her voice covered the classroom.

"Listen up, all of you. From now on, Laura's my girl. Anyone of you who bullies her is having a problem with me.!"

Many surprised eyes fell on Laura with inquiry and disbelief. They couldn't figure out why it was the girl who had won Lucy's affection.

Laura sat calmly, in a happy and somewhat complicated mood - this is the feel of being protected.


Laura introduced the martial arts to Lucy. One of them was very serious, and the other one was immersed. A lesson flew by.

The bell rang. They sat in their positions without movement, absorbed in their world.

"And then you bend your hand like this ..." In the middle of Laura's speech, a man came from the door, nudged her arm, and shouted, "You're Laura, right? There's someone outside looking for you."