Chapter 37 Never Let You Off

"Is this an advanced technique of framing? You are good at it. Why don't you go to be an actor? It's a pity that you don't win an Oscar for this."

Lily was used to pretending to be weak. It's the first time that she met someone who would attack her directly. She couldn't think of anything to say for a while, holding her face red, "You, you ... me, I ..."

"What? You had spoke fluently. Now, why can't even say a word?" Lucy spoke faster and faster, "I hate the people who have double faces."

"I ..."

Everyone looked at Lucy in amazement. They've never seen anyone scold like that. Who can stand it?

Lily seldom cursed people, let alone afraid of offending Lucy. She was angry and anxious about being stared at by the crowd and felt her cheeks burning hot.

"I ... I ..." Finally Lily's tears swelled up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I'm sorry ..." she choked out, covering her red eyes with her sleeve, and then grabbed the door.

