Chapter 43 Telephone Call

"I didn't!" Nora retorted. Her red eyes widened as she continued to curse, "You are shameless. You make slanderous charges! I didn't do anything, bitch! ..." as she cursed, her tears flowed out, "Let go of me. If you don't, I'll complain to the teacher later, and you'll be expelled ..."

Laura sniffed and slowly let go of her. However, she was not afraid that Nora would sue, but she was afraid that Nora's tears would flow onto her hands and dirty her hands.

"How old are you, still doing the reporting stuff. Don't want to admit it, right?" Laura slowly stood up and returned to her seat, "Sooner or later I'll make you admit it by yourself."

Nora covered her neck, which had a ring of red marks, and didn't say anything, staring at Laura with tears and hate in her eyes.

Seeing a conflict end, someone came out to mediate the dispute, "It's almost time for class, and the smell of class is not good. Let's clean up the trash first."