Chapter 60 Honorarium

His words were sincere, but Laura waved her hand. "It's nothing. Whoever saw an old man having a heart attack would have saved him."

"That's not true." Carl shook his head disapprovingly.

"If I really meet other people, they probably would not save me. Even they want to save also do not have the ability."

As he spoke, he took a badge out of his pocket and handed it over, "This is a gift for thanks, please accept it. If you encounter any trouble in the future, just take this badge to the Millers and ask them for a request within their ability. "

Laura wanted to refuse, but she felt that Carl was stubborn. She finally accepted.

"All right."

After making sure that Carl's body was no longer in serious condition, they went back to their house.

"That little girl, who saved me just now, is really nice." Carl sat in the back seat of the car, still complimenting Laura.