Chapter 63 Secure Advantages Through Pull

The next day.

Laura arrived at Gouverneur Hospital in a high ponytail and in a white dress.

"Hello, that's the way to register."

She was tall but had a baby face. When the receptionist saw her, she thought she was a student coming to see a doctor and enthusiastically guided her toward the registration area.

"Excuse me." Laura said flatly, "I'm an invited specialist."

"Huh?" The receptionist was confused and looked at Laura. When she took her to the director's office, she still felt a bit incredulous.

On the way, Laura opened her phone to look at it and unexpectedly found that Marcus had sent her a message before she came to the hospital.

[If you have any problem while inspecting the hospital, you can always tell me.]

Laura smiled and replied, [I'll be fine, you can handle your business without worry.]

By the time she put her phone away, she had arrived at the office.