Chapter 73 Invasion

"Peeping is bad behavior, Mrs. Wilson." Laura said.

Mrs. Wilson was so embarrassed that the slap on the window was no longer a piece of paper but a cold slap.

She bit her lip, and furiously said, "It's just a lecture. I can't even look at it?!"

She stomped on her high heels and left the Class 8 window. She hated Laura even more.



On this day, a dozen students from Class 8 organized a party.

They invited Lucy and Laura to join them. Laura was not interested, but she couldn't stand Lucy's insistence, so she had to agree.

The colorful lights were dazzling, and the singing was even deafening. The crowd played various games

"Laura!" Lucy tugged Laura by the corner of her coat, "Aren't you coming to play with us?"

Laura shook her head, "No."

Her voice was muffled by the loud music, but Lucy understood her movement, "No? It's no fun for you to come here and not play together!"

Laura still shook her head. She now felt a little headache from the noise.