Chapter 87 Be Impartial

Lucy ran downstairs with Laura.

"Come on, Laura, this is going to be fun! Nora cried, how exciting it was!"

The square.

There had been a lot of people around here, mostly Class 8 students who came out together to watch the fun. When they saw Laura, they greet her with a smile and said, "Serve her right."

Lucy pulled Laura into the crowd to see the people in the center.

Nora was in tears, clutching the sleeve of the police officer in front of her and shouting, "Don't arrest me! I didn't mean to do it, I didn't take that picture! Lily, Lily, help me, help me..."

Lily, who was standing on the far edge, became the center of attention. Even the police looked at her suspiciously.

Lily cursed in her heart ---- you get caught, and you want to take me with you? !

She was upset, but she put on a fake face and said stiffly, "You must get something wrong. Nora can not break the law."