Chapter 89 Regret

On the way back, many people were still talking.

"This is clearly Nora's fault. Why is Lily defending her??"

"I originally thought Lily was a decent person. Now it doesn't seem so."


Lily listened with a pale face, biting her lip in regret -- why did she just plead? Not only was it ineffective, but it also tarnished her image. From the beginning, she shouldn't have spoken!


After school.

The campus was much quiet. Laura was looking down at her phone when a text message popped up at the top of the screen.

[Are you free this weekend? I want to ask you to go to a pet store and buy you a pet.]

Laura thought for a while -- she had never had a pet before, after all, "pet" sounds like a lot of trouble, should I go?

She was still considering how to return when a basketball came from nowhere and slammed over!

Laura reacted quickly to reach out and throw it, the basketball immediately in the air through a beautiful arc, and firmly into the basketry.