Chapter 95 Registration Form

After answering Lucy's question, Laura glanced at her curiously and asked, "By the way, what's that you're holding in your arms?"

"These?" Lucy raised the paper in her hand, "It's a registration form for the art festival!"

She turned around in the aisle and shouted, "Come and take a look. If you are interested, come and sign up!"

She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Laura, "By the way, do you want to participate?"

"No." Laura ruthlessly refused, "It sounds like a lot of trouble."

"It does." Lucy nodded, "The first place prize is only one hundred thousand dollars, such a small amount of money doesn't deserve so much time. Who wants..."

"One hundred thousand? First place has 100,000 prize money?"

"Yeah." Lucy started to complain again, "The school is too stingy, who wants to participate?"

"I am." Laura took a registration form and started to fill it out.

Lucy was confused, she looked at the application form in her and Laura's hands incredulously.