Chapter 97 Certificate

They arrived at the cafe.

The two sides sat opposite each other at a round table.

On one side were old Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, Kimberly, and the old housekeeper standing beside; on the other side was Laura alone.

"You are Laura?" old Mrs. Taylor spoke first.

She looked Laura up and down with her mean eyes and said sarcastically, "How dare you threaten your aunt."

The volume of her voice was so loud that many customers noticed their conversation and looked over.

Laura ignored old Mrs. Taylor's words and calmly took out a hospital--stamped certificate from her bag, and put it on the table.

"You can take a look at this."

Old Mrs. Taylor picked up the certificate and glanced at it, as if in shock, "What do you mean?"


Laura crossed her fingers and rested them on her chest, as calmly as a lawyer in a negotiation, "As you can see, the certificate states that over the years, you have asked me to give blood to Kimberly eight times..."
