Chapter 99 Piss Off

In face of Laura's long list of questions, Marcus smiled, but replied simply, "It's hard to say."

That's a refusal to tell her.

Laura also smiled, "Then don't say it." Anyway, she could find out for herself.


Taylor's house.

"Are you really sure that the group of people in the cafe won't post the video?" Kimberly confirmed with the housekeeper repeatedly.

The housekeeper bowed respectfully, "Don't worry, I've already warned them."

"That's good." Kimberly was finally relieved.

She turned around and walked towards the piano room, intending to practice her piano piece. According to her manager, the concert was about to start, so she had to be fully prepared and use her strength to make those scandals disappear!


An anonymous post on the internet caught the attention of the crowd. The content of the post was actually very simple -- it was just a video to make the public know what happened in the cafe today.