Chapter 105 Withdraw Charge

"Was bullied?" Marcus stood in front of Laura and slowly tore open the package.

Laura glanced at him, "Kevin told you I was bullied?" It didn't take much thinking to know it would only come from Kevin.

"Yeah," Marcus responded lightly, tearing off a piece of bread and passing it to Laura's lips.

Laura ate it. After a moment of silence, she suddenly smiled. "Mr. Brown, can I assume that this is your way of calming me down by feeding me?"

Marcus' expression didn't change as he tore off another piece of bread and handed it over. "Well." The sound was soft, so soft that it seemed like a mere illusion.

But the curve on Laura's lips grew bigger.


After a long time, the silent courtroom gradually became a little noisy.

"What's going on? Why hasn't the lawyer from Baker Mckenzie LLP come over yet?"

"How long has the court been in session? Can't even do the basic punctuality?"

"Is it because the evidence is not in Laura's favor that Laura's lawyer is not coming?"