Chapter 107 Ugly Face

Other people in front of the dining table heard the word "sealed up" in the mouth of the householder, and they noticed something strange one by one. They subconsciously put down their chopsticks and pricked up their ears to listen.

The housekeeper noticed their movements, and he gave them a gentle wave of his hand to signal them not to make any noise.

Immediately, he flattered to the other end of the mobile phone. "Excuse me, is there something wrong with you? Good, why should I check what seal?"

The opposite voice was cold. "Jonathan said hello to your family and told you not to let Laura's lawyer show up in time, right?"

Knowing the reason, the cold sweat on the forehead of the householder suddenly dripped down.

I thought it was just a trivial matter, so I helped myself if I could. I didn't think I would suddenly stab the law enforcement team. This is a proper kick to the iron plate!