Chapter 124 Help

I can't wait to post Weibo, and a group of people are satisfied to put away their mobile phones and prepare to eat.

The collision of chopsticks in the box is continuous.

Laura just sat in the corner and picked up a few pieces of fruit to eat from time to time.

She smiled and looked at the students who were fighting not far away, and suddenly felt that it was quite good to be lively occasionally.


After a full meal, a group of people fell on the sofa, shaking their legs and picking their teeth contentedly.

"It's delicious, I've never eaten such delicious food!"

"Hold me to death. I want to eat if I die..."

"Thanks to Sheng Sheng for inviting us to this meal." A classmate smiled and turned to look around. "You said, didn't you?"

Almost the words just fell, "Yes!" The neat shouts almost overturned the roof.

"Sheng Sheng is the most dio! Do not accept rebuttal!" Everyone agreed.

Laura was quite surprised, and there was a trace of happiness in his eyes.