Chapter 128 Shocked

After listening to Bai Yu's accusation, the audience under the stage was already full of mixed discussions.

"Cheating? Isn't it just an art festival? What's there to cheat?"

"I see, it is Laura who still participates, afraid of shame, and this is embezzlement..."

"I look down on such a person, no matter how well he writes!"

Seeing the scene gradually out of control, Lucy Huo stood up. "Shut up, all of you!"

She is a big sister, and no one is afraid of her at school. As soon as this came out, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Lucy looked around and looked gloomy. "It's amazing to have a mouth. Is there any evidence that Laura cheated? Without evidence, you can't expel students at will!"

"Evidence, do you mean this?" Bai Yu pointed to the seal on the word and was not to be outdone. "The seal of Teacher Wei is evidence!"

"Oh." Lucy wants to fight again.

"Enough!" Laura, standing on the stage, interrupted their argument.