Chapter 130 Good Daughter

Said, Sheng Hongyu took out his mobile phone and turned out the photo sent to him after Mu took the words. "Explain to me, how dare you say that this is your own word?"

Seeing the photos clearly, Wei Xiong turned pale instantly.

Sheng Hongyu did not intend to let him go, and continued to ask, "This is obviously not your word, why do you pretend to be its owner!"

"Me, I..." Wei Xiong's brain was in a mess and could not speak.

At this time, Sheng Hongyu glanced at the president of the art association. "Please make a phone call for me and tell the calligraphy association. From now on, expel Wei Xiong immediately!"

"No! Don't!" Wei Xiong's face changed greatly and instantly broke the defense. "President, please, don't..."

Sheng Hongyu ignored it, turned around and reprimanded, "Bai Yu, you slandered others without knowing the cause and effect. Is this what you should do?!"