Chapter 133 Package All

A phantom quickly drove out of the underground garage and headed for the central mall in New York.

In the afternoon, the sun is warm. Although the windows are insulated, it doesn't prevent the drowsiness at noon from winding up a little.

Unconsciously, Laura leaned his head against the window and was sleepy.

"Here we are."

Parked in front of a tall building, Marcus turned off the engine.

He looked up at Laura in the rearview mirror and tried to get her out of the car, only to find her lying in the back seat, asleep.

Marcus turned and looked at Laura's sleeping face with novelty.

Different from the indifference and coldness when she is awake, her lips are slightly open and her eyebrows are harmless, like a fawn resting in the forest.

Looking at it, Marcus poked out his fingertips and tried to pinch the soft-looking cheek.

"Here we are?"

However, seeing that there was only a distance the size of a fingernail, Laura suddenly opened his eyes.