Chapter 168 Fraudulent Calls

Grandpa Lin felt that his granddaughter had a point. He put away his mobile phone from good advice. "That's right."

When all the shareholders saw Laura's appearance of light wind and light clouds, they secretly exchanged several eyes.

It seems that there is some reason why the chairman loves Miss 2 so much...


O 'Lane also saw Taylor's Weibo. He excitedly dug out Laura's WeChat and blew rainbow fart crazily.

"I have seen the treasures of the new town shop you carved. It is so beautiful! Compared with your painting skills, it is not too much. Can I ask you out another day to discuss aesthetics together?"

Laura was chatting with Marcus by voice, and was bombarded by this indiscriminate attack. She reluctantly vomited: "I shouldn't have added people casually."

Marcus was keenly aware of something. He cared, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, just add a small talk and have a little trouble."